dear single person over 30

Sometimes love isn’t enough.

Being single at 36 is not quite what I had in mind when I envisioned my life as a hopeful, expectant 18 year old. “The world is my oyster,” so I thought.

But here I am. 

After letting go of relationships we both hoped would work, I’m realizing that the life I was crafting may not be the life He’s creating. What if this is what He had in mind?

Singleness in your mid 30s is this taboo subject, often not talked about. People notice but say nothing. And if they do speak, it’s a sympathetic, and often well-meaning, “God has someone for you. Just keep being patient.” 

But, what if He doesn’t? What if that’s not the plan He has in mind? Am I to be considered less than or live my life as a second-class citizen? 

Absolutely not. I refuse to. 

I’m not saying doubt God nor give up on a promise He has made you. He’s incredibly faithful and will keep every promise. But when does worshipping the promise over the Promise Keeper cease?

I am loving and appreciating all of me. I am getting to know myself more deeply, daily. I am finding new interests and passions, still. I am appreciating my very existence. 

Dear single person over 30, you are no less than. It’s okay if it didn’t work out. It’s okay if love wasn’t enough. It’s okay if you never marry. You are still a whole individual who, if and when the time is right, will welcome another whole person. We don’t do halves around here. And if that time never comes, still love your life, live your life, and especially, do not wait it away.

Written March 2023

For years, I put off sending out Christmas or New Year cards because I thought I should wait until I had a family of my own. Last year I decided I would fully live in my now and appreciate every moment of it. I would no longer wait, not even one, day away.

And besides, Ollie is family.